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Five Dysfunctions of a Team

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The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Patrick Lencioni


All teams no matter the company or line of business are required with one thing, to get results. Even though this sounds obvious, I had never thought of if it in that sense. Patricks way of dividing five principles in order to get a good team was outstanding. It made understanding the whole concept easy and satisfying, it also made it very interesting.

What I learned from this book and what I will definitely take to practice is that building a good team always starts from trust. Without trust it is impossible to be and maintain good performance in the long term. Trust between all team members is essential to get things done in time and in the right way.

Fear of conflict. When teams are lacking trust they are incapable of having unfiltered conversations and debates about essential things, causing team members to avoid conflict, replacing it with an artificial and fake atmosphere. Teams who don’t express their opinions usually are the result of bad decisions. This made me understand that when arguing, debating or even fighting in a team, it in many cases is productive. Lack of commitment, without any commitment to goals, deadlines and focus it is difficult to move forward and get things done. This got made me think, without conflict it is not easy for team members to commit to decisions because there is no right kind of fear or pressure that is required in a well-functioning team. People will more likely share their opinions when their own opinions are included in the decision-making process. This thought me that productive teams make transparent decisions and they support every single member of the team, making sure everyone is heard. When teams commit there is no reason to worry about accountability. In a good team it is the responsibility of each team member to hold one another accountable and accept it when others hold you accountable. I learned the key to success is the measurement of progress, making clear what the teams standards are, what needs to be done, by whom and by when.

When all team members place the teams results first instead of their own it becomes result oriented. If members are not held accountable, they tend to look out for their own interests and results instead of the teams. I realised that by making the team results clear and rewarding the behaviours that contribute to the team’s results team can overcome all the dysfunctions.

I would set the tone for the whole team equally and leading by example is the primary role of the leader in overcoming these dysfunctions. It also means that the leader is the first one to be vulnerable, encouraging debate and conflict, making responsibilities and deadlines clear, setting the teams standards and being clear on the results.


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