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The library of essays of Proakatemia

Creating the perfect Facebook Ad

Kirjoittanut: Atte Westerberg - tiimistä Apaja.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.

likeable social media
Dave Kerpen
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.

I’ve made an essay about why you should do Facebook Ads and this one is an sequel. In this essay we will be concentrating on different ways to advertise on Facebook. Got it? Alright lets get going. At Proakatemia new projects are popping up all the time left, right and center and when it comes to marketing the go to choice is usually Facebook advertising. And why wouldn’t it be? It is the cheapest and the most efficient mother out there! Here let me show you.


Four types of Facebook ads

Now that we know Facebook Ads are the most cheapest way to make your businesses message to be heard lets find out how we make it heard. There are actually over a dozen different types of Facebook ads, but we will be concentrating on these four types which are mentioned in a book Likeable Social Media by Dave Kerpen.


#1 Driving traffic and leads.

This is by far the most commonly used ad type. It is used to drive clients to a specific landing page like a blog, website, webshop or anything that has an URL (www.example.com) address and moves. Ads in the Facebook News Feed which use videos and pictures are the most successful. Clients want to see Ads which are not Ads. Yes, you heard right. Just think about your own behaviour, when scrolling down on Facebook News Feed for a second. What kind of posts make you stop scrolling? I Bet you would have stopped when seeing something like this?

And why wouldn’t you? It’s a freakin cow spewing out from the ocean with her mate Flipper. How often do you see shit like that? The visuals are the most effective part of an Ad. This Ad also uses words like “Your” and “Free” which are very effective. Also this ad has a CTA (call-to-action) in the end with a “Use Now” Button. “When you’re marketing, remember to think like a consumer. Ask yourself, “Would this catch my attention? Would I click on that link?” (Kerpen, D. 2019). 


#2 Post engagemant and awareness.

Now that there are so many businesses advertising on Facebook it is challenging to get your business page content viewed organically. Good thing Facebook has a feature to Boost your posts so your hard earned followers aren’t missing out on your content. If you optimize your ad for engagement, Facebook will show it to those who are more likely to like, comment or share based on their previous behaviour ensuring your cash is used effectively and doesn’t go down the pooper. “With just a few clicks, you can have your Facebook post in front of thousands of your fans – and their friends.” (Kerpen, D. 2019). 


#3 App install ads.

This is pretty much as same as the first one, except you are driving your clients to the app store instead of a specific landing page. Users are redirected to the app store to complete the download via call-to-action button. There are millions of apps and there seems to be an app for almoust everything (there is even an app called “Nothing” and it literally does nothing). Facebook offers an efficient way to also advertise apps with these App install ads.   


#4 Dynamic ads.

Dynamic ads use Facebook pixel to gather user data. Basically it works like this: First you come a across an ad on Facebook News Feed about, lets say a shoe brand. You press the call-to-action button “Buy Now” and you are redirected to the shoe brands own webshop. Without you even knowing about it you are now on the businesses possible client list since you pressed that button, thanks to Facebook Pixel. You don’t see anything you particularly like in the webshop and decide to leave without making a purchase. The next day you are scrolling down on your Facebook News Feed and you come across an ad what is showing you the exactly same shoes by the exactly same brand you were browsing trough in the webshop. This is also called “Remarketing”. 

I Personally like to mix and match with the first and the last type of Facebook Ad. First you make a visually killer ad that captures peoples attention redirecting them to your website. Then you use Facebook Pixel to gather user information about possible future clients for remarketing.


12 Facebook Ad Examples You Wish You Made




Kerpen, D. 2019. likeable social media. Third editon. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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